8:30am – 10:35am 9:30am – 10:15am
Plenary Door 10 Room 211 Energy Management MyCEC Masterclass Theatre Industry Workshop Theatre


Chair: Kane Thornton, CEO, Clean Energy Council

8:30 – Welcome: Robby Clark, Portfolio Director, All Energy Australia
8:35 – Welcome to Country
8:40 – Opening remarks by Chair: Kane Thornton, CEO, Clean Energy Council
8:45 – Sponsor address: Scott Poulter, CEO, Pacific Green
8:50 – Keynote address: Let’s Tax Carbon
Ross Garnaut, Economist, The Superpower Institute
9:05 – Panel discussion: The global clean energy transition: Australia’s role, opportunities and risks in the global decarbonisation race

  • Moderator: Kane Thornton, CEO, Clean Energy Council
  • Panellists:
    • The Hon. Matt Kean, Chair, Climate Change Authority, Former State Member for Hornsby, Former NSW Treasurer & Energy Minister
    • Amandine Denis-Ryan, CEO, Institute for Energy Economic and Financial Analysis
    • Ross Garnaut, Economist, The Superpower Institute
    • Alison Reeve, Deputy Program Director, Energy + Climate Change, Grattan Institute
    • Joel Alexander, Managing Director & CEO, Pacific Green Australia

9:45– Victorian Government Fireside chat

  • Moderators: Kane Thornton, CEO, Clean Energy Council & Luke Menzel, CEO, Energy Efficiency Council
  • Guest Speaker: The Hon. Lily D'Ambrosio MP, Minister for Climate Action, Minister for Energy and Resources, Minister for State Electricity Commission

10:00 – Panel discussion: Accelerating effort in Australia for 2035

  • Moderator: Luke Menzel, CEO, Energy Efficiency Council
  • Panellists:
    • Heidi Lee, CEO, Beyond Zero Emissions
    • Brad Archer, CEO, Climate Change Authority
    • Darren Miller, CEO, ARENA
    • Anthea Middleton, CEO, Powering Skills Organisation

10:35 – Closing remarks by Chair: Kane Thornton, CEO, Clean Energy Council


9:30am – 10:30am

Startup demos & espressos!

Start your morning with a hit of innovation and inspiration. Grab a coffee as you watch startups demonstrate their technologies live on the EnergyLab stage.


9:30am – 9:50am

Chair: Nat Corveddu, Project Officer, Energy Efficiency Council

Electrification and gas system decarbonisation: Challenges and lessons learned from North America
Maurice Oldham, Technical Director - Energy, Mott MacDonald

9:50am – 10:10am

SEC Victoria electrification presentation
Jess Christiansen, Partnerships Manager, Consumer Energy Solutions, SEC Victoria

10:10am – 10:30am

How to accelerate electrification – delivery electrification at scale
Guy Pritchard, Director - Incentives Program, Solar Victoria

10:30am – 10:50am

Seizing opportunities and managing risks in the electrification transition
Jay Gordon, Energy Finance Analyst, Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis

9:30am – 10:00am

Welcome & introductory session – masterclass opening by CEC chair
Chair: Con Hristodoulidis, Acting Chief Policy and Impact Officer, Clean Energy Council

Sponsored by: Long Duration Storage Council

10:00am - 10:45am

Hot water heat pumps: Current demand and future trends
In this session, Solar Victoria will share its experience with hot water heat pumps, covering trends related to the extraordinary increase in demand and what we see the future holds for this advancing technology.

Anita Holt, Director, Industry Development & Technology, Solar Victoria

Julian Hales, Manager, Industry Development and Technology, Solar Victoria

Function-only Registration | 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Melbourne Room, Level 2, Convention Centre

Hosted by:

11:20am – 12:40pm 10:15am – 12:30pm
Plenary Door 10 Room 220 Room 219 Room 218 Room 217 Room 213 Room 212 Room 211 Room 210 Room 204 Room 203 Energy Management Theatre MyCEC Masterclass Theatre Industry Workshop Theatre

Accelerating the energy transition
Chair: Peter Cowling, Head of Australia, Mint Renewables & Chair, Clean Energy Council

Energy transition in Western Australia
Jai Thomas, Coordinator of Energy, WA, Energy Policy WA

The Victorian government’s role in the energy transition
Elizabeth Molyneux, Deputy Secretary, Energy Group, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

Followed by interactive panel discussion

Hosted by:



The global race for net zero
Chair: Wei Sue, Head of Strategy, Climateworks Centre

Keynote address
Frank Jotzo, Head of Energy, ANU Institute for Climate Energy & Disaster Solutions

Interactive panel discussion
Jon Jutsen, CEO, Jutsen Innovation

Jonathan Kent, Chief Projects Officer, SunCable

Hosted by:



Scaling electrification
Chair: Con Hristodoulidis, Acting Chief Policy and Impact Officer, Clean Energy Council

Driving change: The role of innovation in electrification
Dr Julia Lu, Head of Innovation & Strategy, AGL

Existing building electrification – more complex than meets the eye
Dr Kendra Wasiluk, Program Director, Net Zero and Sustainability, Monash University

How households can lead our energy transition
Kristen McDonald, Mobilisation and Engagement Manager, Rewiring Australia

How to accelerate electrification at scale
Paul Corkill, Executive Director - Policy, Programs and Industry Development, Solar Victoria

Followed by interactive panel discussion

Hosted by:



Developments in long duration energy storage technologies

Long-duration energy storage enables rapid decarbonisation and improved renewable energy utilisation
Hugh McDermott, Senior Vice President Sales and Business Development, ESS Inc

Building for the future with long duration energy storage
Jordan Cole, Chief Commercial Officer, Hydrostor, Canada

Long duration energy storage for a dispatchable green power plant
Raja Ratnam, Managing Director, Energy Internet Corporation Australia Pty Ltd

Followed by interactive panel discussion

Hosted by:



EVs: Home charging and the grid
Chair: Michael Shaughnessy, Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Officer, Electric Vehicle Council

Apartments and workplaces – the application of busduct solutions in this space
Diana Ruiz Diaz, New Energy Landscape Offer Manager, Schneider Electric

A finger on the pulse of EV charging
Dean Comber, Principal Adviser Strategy & Innovation, Ergon Energy Network and Energex

Electric homes at the centre of our electricity system
Anthony Seipolt, Director, Cadency Consulting

Smart EV chargers, hot water diverters and load shifting devices - are they right for everyone?
Anne Wilson, Technical Operations Manager, SolarPlus

Is the Victorian grid ready for electric vehicles?
Dr Kazi Hasan, Senior Lecturer, RMIT University

Supported by:

Long Duration Storage Council


Insights into battery energy storage systems
Chair: Stuart Hillen, Head of Development, Eku Energy Australia Pty Ltd

Advances in battery energy storage systems
Belinda Huang, Sales manager of APAC, Shenzhen ATESS Power Technology Co Ltd

Navigating the current market: Procurement trends in large-scale BESS projects
Jimmy Molea, Regional Business Development Director, Sungrow Australia Group

Platinum Sponsor:


Battery storage in a post-coal NEM/SWIS
Josef Tadich, Regional Director, Tesla Energy, APAC, Tesla

An update on ARENA's role supporting utility-scale storage
Carl Christiansen, Associate Director, ARENA

BESS market operations are different to wind and solar: What you need to know
Ellise Janetzki, Operations Manager, Overwatch Energy

Enabling simplicity and flexibility in BESS projects
Shane Bannister, Head of Business Development & Project Sales, Energy APAC, Tesla

How to overcome challenges in selecting and sourcing batteries
Kara Atchison, CEO, SCM Solution Ltd

Unlocking BESS revenue potential in the NEM: Challenges and insights
Sahand Karimi, CEO, OptiGrid

Co-presenter: Mitch O'Neill, Business Development Manager, OptiGrid

How do we prepare for the future market trend of solar-BESS hybrid and standalone BESS development projects?
Jack Somers, Senior Engineering and Commissioning Manager, PCL Constructors Pacific Rim Pty Ltd

Sponsored by:

Long Duration Storage Council


Enabling consumer participation through digital innovations
Chair: Emma Fagan, Acting Director of Distributed Energy, Clean Energy Council

Approaching cyber security threats to DER
James Sturch, Technical Director, Rest of World, SolarEdge Technologies

Ruchika Deora, Head of Product, SEC Victoria

Nick Regan, Business Lead - DER Reform Delivery, AEMO

Followed by interactive panel discussion

Hosted by:



Supercharge Australia - retrofit nation
A deep dive into the SuperCharge Australia - An initiative run by EnergyLab and new Energy Nexus supporting the world's biggest lithium producer, Australia, to become a hub for battery technology innovation - through a keynote and a panel.

Kirk McDonald, Project Manager, Supercharge Australia


EVs and consumers
Chair: Natalie Thompson, Senior Manager – Policy, Electric Vehicle Council

The mainstreaming of EVs: The next chapter of EV policy and adoption
Dr Alina Dini, Advisory Director, Verdant Vision

Household EV charging: Social challenges and opportunities
Dr Kari Dahlgren, Research Fellow, Emerging Technologies Research Lab, Monash University

Australian EV market trends and predictions for energy and EV sectors in 2024
Riz Akhtar, CEO, carloop

Supported by:

Long Duration Storage Council


Grid connection and system strength
Chair: Christian Zuur, Director Market, Investment & Grid, Clean Energy Council

Harnessing the benefits of South Australia’s economy at 100% net renewables
Simon Emms, CEO, ElectraNet

Delivering innovation to grid connection - open access and REZs
Neil Gibbs, Director, OnLine Power

Erika Twining, Manager - Connections Reform, AEMO

Followed by interactive panel discussion

Hosted by:



Riding the mental health solar coaster: Leadership and well-being in a high intensity industry
Chair: Ashleigh Dalmau, Chief Operating Officer, Clean Energy Council

Interactive panel discussion

Andy McCarthy, Founder and CEO, AJ McCarthy Consulting

Dr Luke Martin, Senior Specialist and Clinical Spokesperson, Beyond Blue

Dennis Freedman, Managing Director ANZ, Aquila Clean Energy

Hosted by:



10:50am – 11:10am

24/7 TrueZero: Demand-side strategies for using 100% renewable electricity
A/Prof Dr Anna Bruce, Research Coordinator (Engineering), University of NSW

11:10am – 11:30am

Unleashing the power of consumer energy resources
Matthew van der Linden, Founder & CEO, Flow Power

11:30am – 11:50am

Putting the consumer at the heart of consumer energy resource
Stephanie Bashir, CEO, Nexa Advisory

11:50am – 12:40pm

Panel discussion: Priorities for the consumer energy resources roadmap
Chair: Rob McLeod, Senior Advisor, Policy & Research, Energy Efficiency Council

Helen Oakey, CEO, renew

Johanna Bowyer, Lead Analyst - Australian Electricity, IEEFA

James Giblin, Head of DER and OT Technologies, Synergy

10:15am – 11:30am

Solar’s role in the transition to net zero
CPD Points coming soon!
Explore the crucial role solar power plays in providing clean, renewable energy and helping Australia achieve net-zero emissions.

Paul Corkill, Executive Director - Policy, Programs and Industry Development, Solar Victoria

Sponsored by: Long Duration Storage Council

11:00am – 11:45am

Victoria’s energy policy landscape and investment state of play
Join our energy experts from the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate for the latest updates in Victorian Government energy policy landscape and the associated investment opportunities.

Chair: Lewis Shields, Director Energy Engagement and Facilitation, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

Vanya Kumar, Executive Director, Innovation, Commercial and Investment Attraction, Energy Victorian, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

Kirrily Noonan, Director, Wholesale Markets and Energy Transition Strategy Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

Barbara Blake, Director, Gas Substitution and Energy Efficiency, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

12:00pm – 12:45pm

Solar Victoria: Findings from our largest home electrification survey
Whether you’re a seasoned retailer, an entrepreneur or an industry professional, this session will help you discover the pulse of the market with the latest insights on home electrification.

Tim Renowden, Manager, Enterprise Insights, Data & Reporting, Solar Victoria

1:40pm – 3:00pm 12:30pm – 2:00pm
Plenary Door 10 Room 220 Room 219 Room 218 Room 217 Room 213 Room 212 Room 211 Room 210 Room 204 Room 203 Energy Management Theatre MyCEC Masterclass Theatre Industry Workshop Theatre

Building a competitive hydrogen sector
Chair: Anna Freeman, Policy Director, Clean Energy Council

Fiona Simon, CEO, Australian Hydrogen Council

Ryan Willemsen-Bell, General Manager, Future Fuels and Carbon, Origin Energy

Tim Stock, Director, Hydrogen and Clean Energy, NSW Department of Planning and Environment

Followed by interactive panel discussion

Hosted by:



Engaging with host communities on renewable projects
Chair: Nathan Hart, Policy Officer, Energy Generation and Storage, Clean Energy Council

REZ development and social licence in Victoria
Alistair Parker, CEO VicGrid, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

Navigating social license: Planning pathways for transmission infrastructure
Craig Stallan, Executive General Manager, Lumea

The social licence journey: Developing one of Australia’s largest wind farm
Mark Hudson, Head of Land Tenure, Community Engagement, Marketing & Communications, WestWind Energy

Followed by interactive panel discussion

Hosted by:



EVs: International perspectives
Chair: Mark Stephens, Data Analyst, Electric Vehicle Council

Learnings from the European retail market: How to optimise the retail charging experience for Australian EV drivers
Paula Savonen, Vice President, Communications, Kempower, Finland

Solving the grid problem for EV fast chargers
Dr Robert Turner, CTO & Co-founder, Kwetta
Co-presenter: Vijay Hirani, Planning Engineer, Powerco Limited

What's coming next in charging infrastructure - MegaWatt Charging (MCS) for trucks, buses, mining, ferries and aviation
Elizabeth Yeaman, Managing Director, CharIN, Australia and New Zealand

Followed by interactive panel discussion

Supported by:

Long Duration Storage Council


How businesses and governments can benefit themselves and drivers through EVs
Chair: John Sullivan, CEO, Chargefox

How you can public, fleet, and workplace charging
Greg Schumann, Director, Green Mobility, Engie

Influencing EV charging behaviour
Scott Oster, Director, Department of Energy and Mining, South Australia Government

The pioneering spirit
Paul Swift, Zero Carbon Moreland Technical Lead, Merribek Council

Driving to the future
Liam Brady, Senior Manager Electric Vehicles, RACV

Supporting mixed fleets
Mike Clentworth, +Electric Product Manager, Fleetcard

Followed by interactive panel discussion

Sponsored by:

Long Duration Storage Council


Beyond energy: The role of sector decarbonisation plans
Chair: Thomas Briault, Energy Leader NSW & ACT, Arup

Resources sector decarbonisation plan
Preet Brar, Executive General Manager, Energy from Waste, Cleanaway

Water sector decarbonisation plan
Narelle Fellowes, Manager of Sewerage Planning, Melbourne Water

Energy sector decarbonisation plan
Marie Jordan, Executive General Manager, Network, Transgrid

The role of renewable fuels to decarbonise hard to abate sectors
Matt Walden, Partner, Deloitte Financial Advisory Pty Ltd

Followed by interactive panel discussion


Unlocking the potential of community batteries
Chair: Dr Scott Dwyer, Research Director, University of Technology Sydney

How trial network tariffs impact the potential benefits of neighbourhood batteries
Dr Shan Dora He, Research Fellow, Australian National University

Alphington community subscriber battery: Empowering local energy shouldn’t be this hard!
Graeme Martin, President, Village Power
Co-presenter: Laura Cacho, Senior Consultant, Wave Consulting

The role of community scale batteries in the energy transition: Case studies from the NEM
Dr Scott Dwyer, Research Director, University of Technology Sydney

Panel discussion: The community benefits of neighbourhood batteries
Moderator: Victoria Hart, Manager, Sustainability and Climate, Merri-bek City Council

Kate Clark, Program Manager, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

Matthew Charles-Jones, President,
Totally Renewable Yackandandah

Liam Henderson, Principal - Energy and Carbon, City of Melbourne

Heath Shakespeare, Project Manager, Indigo Power

Annika Kearton, CEO, Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance


Improving diversity and inclusion in the energy workforce
Chair: Julian McCoy, Senior Policy Officer, Clean Energy Council

Solar Victoria – upskilling industry for a renewable nation
Anita Holt, Director - Industry Development, Workforce and Technology, Solar Victoria

Inclusive transition and skills development in Gippsland
Kate Gaffney, Manager, Renewable Energy Transition, Federation University Australia

Meeting the candidate shortfall challenge
John Revie, General Manager ANZ, Phillip Riley Group

Fostering our future renewable women and gender diverse leaders
Angela Cooney, Principal Energy Advisor, Mott MacDonald Australia Pty Ltd

Followed by interactive panel discussion

Hosted by:



Startups innovating in consumer energy resources & electrifying transport

Startup innovating in consumer energy resources
A panel discussion on startups & innovations focussing on consumer energy resources featuring startups, industry members and mentors.

Chair: Ruchika Deora, Head of Product, SEC Victoria

Mitch O’Neill, Business Development Manager, Optigrid

David Barshevski, Co-founder & Manager Director, Techko

Chris Martell, Managing Director, Diagno Energy

Laura Jones, Lead Analyst, The Australian National University

Alan Hunter, Founder/CEO, NRN

New technology that’s electrifying transport
A panel discussion on startups & innovation in the electrification of transport space.
Chair: Carly Irving-Dolan, Executive Director, Prospecta Utilities

Dr Shalini Divya, Co-Founder & CEO, TasmanIon

Carola Jonas, CEO & Co-Founder, Everty


Kerbside EV charging
Ross de Rango, Head of Energy and Infrastructure, Electric Vehicle Council

Street-side EV charging - utilising existing network infrastructure to charge EVs
Edward David Anstee, Director, Withywindle Nominees

Public AC charging functional ubiquity
Blaise Northey, Managing Director, ChargePost

Local government's role in scaling up EV charging infrastructure
Vincent Ng, Sustainable Transport Officer, City of Kingston

Powering the future: Accelerating electric vehicle charging networks in Australia
Ed Chan, Head of Energy Advisory, Mott MacDonald

Council and CPO - best practices for how to best work with one another
Andrew Hall, Head of City Relations, JOLT

Supported by:

Long Duration Storage Council


Outlook for grid integration and technology
Chair: Stan Krpan PSM, CEO, Solar Victoria

Grid forming capability for battery inverters and its implementation in the NEM
Ander Garcia Lameiras, Grid Connection Manager, Power Electronics, Spain

Unlock the full potential of BESS with AI-enabled forecasting and optimisation
Oliver Skelding, Wärtsilä Energy Storage & Optimisation (ES&O)
Co-presenter: David Kayanan, Business Development Manager, GEMS Software, Wärtsilä Energy Storage & Optimisation (ES&O)

Tariff reform to drive further investment in energy storage on distribution networks
Darren Gladman, Energy Policy & Regulatory Manager, SMA Australia

Autonomous drone El Mapping: A no-brainer choice
Yan Wang, CEO, Quantified Energy Labs Pte. Ltd

Data and AI driven next gen BESS maximises value for customers
Dr Guang Yang, CTO, HyperStrong

Platinum Sponsor:


Create the dust, don’t swallow it: Revolutionising the energy sector with AI-embedded enterprise software
Rob Stummer, Director of Growth, Solution Minds Consulting


Decarbonisation strategies for commercial buildings & businesses
Chair: Hamish McGovern, Managing Director, Northmore Gordon

Decarbonisation: Turning obligation into opportunity
Dominic Da Cruz, Executive ESG and Stakeholder Engagement, Zenith Energy

Exploring the end-to-end grid value stack that will accelerate the electrification
Brendan Manzie, General Manager - Future Energy, Origin Energy

The transition to net zero: Challenges and opportunities for commercial & industrial (C&I) energy storage
Alan Wong, Head of Commercial, Green Peak Energy Pty Ltd

Navigating the transition to net zero carbon emissions - no silver bullet solutions
Deo Prasad, CEO, NSW Decarbonisation Innovation Hub, UNSW

How to successfully transition zero emission bus fleets to meet public transport service requirements
Naomi Dickinson, Managing Director, Redding Consulting

Turning carbon reduction from a cost to a profit centre with an efficient net zero glidepath
Matthew Smith, Commercial Manager, Climatech Zero

Net zero emissions certifications
Douglas Russell, Engineering Director – Energy Management, Green Energy & Carbon Management

Intermittency, carbon capture, and the digital transformation of the decade
Dr Richard Watson, Research Director, Digital Frontier Partners


1:20pm – 1:40pm
Chair: Amelia Jarrett, Policy Advisor, Energy Efficiency Council

Electrification and demand flexibility: Becoming an energy master
Jonathan Leake, New Energy Projects Director, SA Power Networks

1:40pm – 2:00pm

Understanding the home energy management system (HEMS) landscape: Is the supply chain ready for residential electrification?
Dr Matthew Daly, Research Principle, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney

12:30pm – 1:30pm

Regulator round up
CPD Points coming soon!

The rooftop solar and battery industry is continually evolving, and regulation must keep in step to ensure safety and quality. Hear the latest updates and future developments from the key organisations involved in regulation of the industry in Victoria and Australia.

Thomas Seymour, Chief Compliance Officer, Solar Accreditation Australia

Amanda Brown, Manager, SRES, Clean Energy Regulator

Carmen Pace, Manager, Safety, Quality & Audits, Solar Victoria

1:30pm – 2:00pm

Clean Energy Council products & NETCC updates
CPD Points coming soon!

Technical Directorate, NETCC & Products Team, Clean Energy Council

Sponsored by: Long Duration Storage Council

1:00pm - 1:45pm

Transmission investment opportunities in Victoria
Join VicGrid leaders for the latest information about transmission projects underway here in Victoria.
This session will cover Victoria’s plan for transmission investments, as well as opportunities for project suppliers and service providers to support major transmission infrastructure across the state.

Chair: Lewis Shields, Director Energy Engagement and Facilitation, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

Danny Benjamin, VicGrid Executive Director Project Delivery, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

3:30pm – 4:50pm 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Plenary Door 10 Room 220 Room 219 Room 218 Room 217 Room 213 Room 212 Room 211 Room 210 Room 204 Room 203 Energy Management Theatre MyCEC Masterclass Theatre Industry Workshop Theatre

The economics of diversity
Chair: Ashleigh Dalmau, COO, Clean Energy Council

Briony Pole, Partner (Employment & WHS), MinterEllison

Stephen McSweeney, Executive General Manager People and Culture, TransGrid

Small changes have massive impacts Claire Martin, Global Chair of the Gender Affinity Network & Senior Land Manager, RES

Followed by interactive panel discussion

Hosted by:



Equitable community access
Chair: Margaret Harvie, Director, PlanCom Consulting

Energy system – future design & transition
Bill Lilley, CEO, RACE for 2030 Cooperative Research Centre
Co-presenter: Beth Brunoro, Leader, Innovation and Impact, RACE for 2030 Cooperative Research Centre

Giving our community a stake in the transition to renewable energy – why public ownership matters
Chris Miller, CEO, SEC

Building community resilience through the energy transition
Lyn Bowring, Executive Director Consumer, Communities and First Peoples Energy Transition, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

Bringing renewables to remote and regional communities
Rebecca Tilbrook, Executive Manager, Commercial, Jacana Energy

Why communications defines the future of Australian energy
Iolanthe Gabrie, Director, Ruby Assembly

Equity in the energy transition
Heidi Douglas, CEO, Solar Citizens

The engagement puzzle: What works where and when? Regional leaders discuss their place-based approach
Saideh Kent, Program Director - Energy Sector, The Next Economy

Engaging the consumer in the energy transition
Dan Sunderland, Executive Director, Rennie Advisory

Empowering communities: Innovative strategies for private-local government partnerships in household energy efficiency
Pia Daniells, COO,

Putting customers at the centre: How Australia is leading the future of energy
Gavin Mooney, Managing Director, ANZ, Kaluza

Energy accessibility and affordability: Solar installations for Australia’s vulnerable communities
Marina Cheung, Solar and Batteries Product Owner, AGL Energy


Decarbonising liquid fuel reliant industries
Chair: James Boyle, Associate Director, Deloitte

Policy developments in a global context
Jacob Lackenby, Finance and Public Affairs Manager – ANZ, Neste Australia Pty Ltd

From fryer to fuel: Converting used cooking oil (UCO) into renewable diesel powering waste management services
Dr Jeroen Wassenaar, Head of Innovation, Cleanaway

The transition to renewable diesel: The goose that laid the golden egg
Michael Cashen, Research Officer - Beyond Fossil Diesel, NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

The pathway to decarbonise transport and logistics
Heather Bone, Director, ESG

Emerging industry policy and Australia's liquid fuel market
James Boyle, Associate Director, Deloitte

Supported by:

Long Duration Storage Council


Decarbonising the transport sector with e-fuels
Chair: Dr Amy Philbrook, Clean Fuels Technical Lead, Arup

Interactive panel discussion
Joanna Kay, General Manager, Zero Carbon Hydrogen Australia

Graeme Potger, Head of Aviation Fuel, Qantas

Sandra Lau, Zero Emissions Strategy, Head of Hydrogen and EV’s, Viva Energy Australia

Vlad Jotic, Director of Project Development, ANL


State of the corporate renewable PPA market report 2024 & emerging trends
Chair: Jackie McKeon, Program Director, Business Renewables Centre Australia & Climate-KIC

Megan Ward, Head of Origination and Corporate Affairs Neoen

Followed by interactive panel discussion


Strengthening engagement with Pacific nations
Chair: Doris Spielthenner, Managing Director Australia & Regional Manager APAC, SMA Australia

Renewable energy planning for South Pacific nations: OpenCEM in Samoa
Dr Jose Zapata, Principal, Modelling and Analytics, ITP Renewable

Co-presenter: Joel Davy, Manager, Strategy and Analytics, ITP Renewables

Modelling best-fit waste and energy solutions for Pacific Small Island Developing States
Dr Jane Stanley, Director, FOCUS Pty Ltd

Better practice principles for Pacific renewable energy
Hugo Temby, PhD researcher, Australian National University

Renewable energy diplomacy in our region
Doris Spielthenner, Managing Director Australia & Regional Manager APAC, SMA Australia

Followed by interactive panel discussion


Electrification of buildings and precincts
Chair: Jamie Wallis, Senior Manager Buildings, Fitouts & Performance, Green Building Council of Australia

Electrifying precincts – gas free and changing times
David Clark, Director, Positive Zero

Benefits of all electric buildings in South Australia
Deborah Davidson, Director, dsquared Consulting

Electrifying apartment buildings
David Mahony, Head of Better Buildings, HIP V. HYPE

Supported by:

Long Duration Storage Council


Breakthrough collaborations: Industry innovation with startups + pitch event

Breakthrough collaborations: Industry innovation with startups
A panel consisting of industry experts and startups discussing innovation needs as part of the energy transition, what they are looking for startups to help solve, and how they are going about it.
The panel will be followed by a pitch session with startups who are ready to partner with industry.

Chair: Megan Fisher, CEO & Director, EnergyLab

Nicole Jullian Sahr, Sustainability Manager, Endeavour Energy

Christine Brennan, Acting Manager of Innovation, Powerlink

Suchi Szczepanski, Senior Manager Future Energy Technology, Origin

Jack Curtis, Chief Commercial Officer, Neara

Pitch event: Industry ready startups
Hear from startups with innovative solutions who are ready to partner with industry.

Innovation ready networking drinks
Recharge your evening with a refreshing drink and join us at EnergyLab, where innovation takes center stage!


EVs: Residential & commercial
Chair: Michael Shaughnessy, Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Officer, Electric Vehicle Council

Standalone commercial grid independent solar EV charging solutions
Sylvia Tokic, CEO, Electro Base Pty Ltd

Co-presenter: Joshua Portlock, Innovation Director, Electro Base Pty Ltd

Smart home charging
Ed Harvey, CEO, Evnex

Organisational preparedness for EV transition
Andrea Persico, Lead Consultant, Amped Consulting

Unlocking the potential: Leveraging existing electrical infrastructure for EV charging in commercial and multi-residential environments
Guy Mason, Co-Founder, Planit Charge

Leading the charge: Simplifying your EV transition
Phil Soars, C&I EV Manager, AGL

Powerlead: A plan to ‘plug in’ 5GW of CER flexibility into the NEM by 2028
Bruce Thompson, Partner, Thompillai

Supported by:

Long Duration Storage Council


Australia’s solar supply chain opportunity
Chair: Renate Egan, Centre Director, UNSW

Interactive panel discussion
Brett Hallam, Senior Consultant, ITP Renewables

Michelle Vaqueiro Contreras, Senior Research Fellow and UNSW

Nathan Chang, Senior Research Fellow, University of New South Wales

Supported by:

Long Duration Storage Council


Developments in energy storage
Chair: Manuela Londoño Ferro, Business Development Lead, Raygen

Why abundant nanomaterials and not rare earth resources are the future of energy storage
Thomas Nann, CEO, Allegro Energy

Ice storage – a cool alternative to batteries?
Keith Lovegrove, Managing Director, ITP Thermal

Key global and local trends in ess technology, system design, & application
Danny Lu, Senior Vice President, Powin (USA)

The role of policy in de-risking energy
Jacqui Fenwick, Manager, Baringa

Followed by interactive panel discussion

Hosted by:



2:00pm – 2:20pm

Better homes & carbon: Tackling the split-incentive barrier in private rentals
Alastair Matcott, Project Manager, Green Energy Trading

2:20pm – 2:40pm

Reducing the gap between intention and action: Digital innovation to kickstart residential electrification
Julie Hirsch, Entrepreneur in Residence, AGL Energy

2:40pm – 3:00pm

Residential upgrades in apartment buildings
Amy Brand, Strategy and Culture, Let Me Be Frank

3:00pm – 3:40pm

Panel discussion: Home energy upgrades: How to upgrade 1 million + Australian homes
Chair: Belinda Whelan, Director, Strategic Projects, Climate-KIC Australia

Dan Cowdell, CEO, Geelong Sustainability Group

Prof Liam Smith, Director and Co-founder, BehaviourWorks Australia

Jaime Comber, Pilot Coordinator, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney

3:40pm – 4:00pm

Local government as a trusted delivery partner for household retrofits
Donna Luckman, Zero Carbon Merri-Bek Campaigns Lead, Merri-bek City Council

2:30pm – 3:15pm

Victoria’s new emergency backstop: Meeting the new requirements
CPD Points coming soon!

On 1 October, Victoria introduces its emergency backstop requirements for residential solar systems.
An emergency backstop will allow AEMO, in collaboration with distribution businesses, to remotely turn down or switch off rooftop solar systems during minimum system load events to ensure the system remains reliable and stable.
Understand more about the new requirements and how to commission a solar system compliantly.
Sanaz Tabasi, Commercial Lead - Grid Stability Project, Jemena

Mary Masters, Engagement Lead, AusNet Services
CitiPower, Powercor and United Energy (CPPCUE)

3:15pm – 4:00pm

Dynamic control of solar and loads
CPD Points coming soon!

Dynamic and centralised control of solar, EV charging and loads is rapidly becoming mandatory.
Is this good or bad for solar owners? What technology exists to enable control? What other "signals" exist to drive consumer behaviour and how do they combine?
Understand the latest requirements and how to talk about them with your customers.
Nigel Morris, Head of Sales & Marketing, Catch Power

Sponsored by: Long Duration Storage Council

2:00pm - 2:45pm

Navigating compliance in solar, hot water and battery installation
Are you a retailer or installer? Come along to this session to gain a better understanding of the requirements and compliance standards related to PV, battery and hot water installations.

Carmen Pace, Manager, Safety, Quality & Audits, Solar Victoria

Aaron Cook, Technical Manager, Techsafe Australia

WorkSafe Victoria

Followed by interactive panel discussion

3:00pm - 3:45pm

Planning, biodiversity and traditional owner engagement – project development considerations in Victoria
Join the Victorian Government’s Planning, Biodiversity and First Peoples’ Energy experts as they provide the latest updates on the policies, guidance and partnerships that impact Victorian renewable energy projects.

Chair: Lewis Shields, Director Energy Engagement and Facilitation, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

Colleen White, Executive Director Regions, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

Shawn Andrews, Principal Advisor First Peoples’ Energy, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

Javiera Almeida Maturana, Director, State Project Concierge, Department of Transport and Planning

5:00pm – 6:30pm
Melbourne Room, Level 2, Convention Centre
Sponsored by:

8:30am – 10:25am 9:30am – 10:30am
Plenary Door 10 Room 211 Energy Management MyCEC Masterclass Theatre


Chair: Con Hristodoulidis, Acting Chief Policy and Impact Officer, Clean Energy Council

8:30 – Opening remarks by Chair: Con Hristodoulidis, Acting Chief Policy and Impact Officer, Clean Energy Council
8:35 – Opening address
8:40 – Sponsor address: Kris Lengieza, VP Global Technology Evangelist, Procore
8:55 – Panel discussion: The intersection of transport and energy

  • Moderator: Ross De Rango, Head of Energy and Infrastructure, Electric Vehicle Council
  • Panellists:
    • Josef Tadich, Regional Director, Tesla Energy, APAC, Tesla
    • Leanne Hughson, CEO, Energy Safe Victoria
    • Chau Le, General Manager, Strategy & E-Mobility, Origin Energy

9:40 – Panel discussion: Social licence

  • Moderator: Dr Nick Aberle, Director of Energy Generation & Storage, Clean Energy Council
  • Panellists:
    • Samantha Johnson, Acting CEO, Electric Vehicle Council
    • Andrew Bray, National Director, RE-Alliance
    • Martine Holberton, Director, Renewables, The Energy Charter

10:25 – Closing remarks by Chair: Con Hristodoulidis, Acting Chief Policy and Impact Officer, Clean Energy Council


9:30am –10:30am

Startup demos & espressos!

Start your morning with a hit of innovation and inspiration. Grab a coffee as you watch startups demonstrate their technologies live on the EnergyLab stage.


9:50am – 10:10am

Chair: Amelia Jarrett, Policy Advisor, Energy Efficiency Council

Holistic approach to energy
Graham Davies, Energy and Resources Lead, Arup Australia

10:10am – 10:30am

Energy efficiency - the first & must step!
Satinder Sahni, Group Senior Manager - Utilities, Asahi Beverages

10:00am – 10:30am

Compliant labeling for batteries
CPD Points coming soon!

BESS and BS labelling requirements are a source of constant confusion in the industry.
Understand what you need to do to apply the right hazard labels relating to battery chemistry and installation situations.

Scott Beesley, ESV Enforcement Officer, Energy Safe Victoria

Sponsored by: Long Duration Storage Council

11:00am – 12:20pm 10:30am – 12:00pm
Plenary Door 10 Room 220 Room 219 Room 218 Room 217 Room 213 Room 212 Room 211 Room 210 Room 204 Room 203 Energy Management Theatre MyCEC Masterclass Theatre Industry Workshop Theatre

Developing an offshore wind industry in Australia
Chair: Morgan Rossiter, Director - Offshore Wind, Clean Energy Council

Brett Winter, CEO, GeelongPort

Will winds of change blow through the offshore energy industry in Australia?
Jens Orfelt, EVP and President - Asia Pacific (Offshore Development), RWE Renewables (Tokyo, Japan)

Offshore wind power in the regulatory framework supporting offshore wind, government funding opportunities and project development insights
Aylin Cunsolo, Partner, Baker McKenzie

Pioneering offshore wind energy in Australia
Anh Mai, Executive Director Offshore Wind Energy Victoria, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

Introduction to the Australian Centre for Offshore Wind Energy
Dr Shiaohuey Chow, Associate Professor in Geotechnical Engineering, The University of Melbourne

Followed by interactive panel discussion

Hosted by:



Investment outlook for clean energy
Chair: Megan Aspinall, Director, Commercial Advisory & Transactions, Infrastructure, Assets & Places, KPMG

Energy system innovation
Zoe Parkin, Associate Director, Clean Energy Finance Corporation

Challenges and opportunities facing Australia's renewable energy industry
Tushna Antia, Renewable Energy Associate, BloombergNEF

Enabling infrastructure investment
Craig Doyle, CEO, NAIF

Cap in hand: Finding capital for SMEs driving the energy transition
Aiden Rohde, Associate Director, CEFC

Derisking and financing new technologies: The path to a profitable net zero world
Joe Bushnell, Founder & CEO, Waterfall

Victoria's energy market investment opportunities
Vanya Kumar, Executive Director Innovation and Commercial Attraction, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

Marilyne Crestias, Head of Policy & Advocacy, Clean Energy Investor Group


Harnessing the potential of virtual power plants (VPPS)
Chair: Dr Sophie Adams, Research Fellow, Deakin University

How VPPs can unlock home electrification for customers
Thomas Padovani, Head of Partnerships Strategy, Origin Energy

Hydro Tasmania’s virtual power plant - real-world learnings and examples
Luc van Duinen, Product Manager, VPP, Hydro Tasmania

Aggregator DERMS: Creating end-to-end solutions for VPPs
Chris Panopoulos, Business Growth Manager, Itron

Caitlin Trethewy, Head of Virtual Power Plant Operations, AGL

Powering progress: Uniting customers and grid for sustainable energy futures
Brett Murphy, Relationship Manager, Energy South Australia, Tesla

Followed by interactive panel discussion

Hosted by:



Bringing long duration energy storage to market

Ana Spataru, Policy Officer, Clean Energy Council

Sara Taylor, Director - Regulatory and Government Affairs, Hydrostor

Michael Rutt, Regional Director - Australia Pacific, Invinity Energy Systems

Ava Hancock, Head of Strategy, Upper Hunter Hydro

Solving the problem of storage in a rapidly transitioning energy market
Erin van Maanen, Executive General Manager, Strategy, Hydro Tasmania

Followed by interactive panel discussion

Hosted by:



Integrating green hydrogen into the clean energy mix
Chair: Fiona Simon, CEO, Australian Hydrogen Council

Developing Australia's hydrogen ecosystem to make hydrogen fleets a reality
Sean Blythe, Future Fuels Development Lead, Pacific Energy Australia

Hydrogen’s role in power generation: Enabling decarbonisation of power firming?
Adam Karl, Future Fuels Leader - Australia and New Zealand, AECOM

Integrating green and renewable hydrogen projects into conventional energy frameworks: Opportunities, challenges, and the role of OEMs
Mahshid Zaresharif, Hydrogen Solutions Development Manager, Siemens Energy

Powering the future: Green hydrogen & hydrogen derivatives
Matt Baumgurtel, Partner, Hamilton Locke

Followed by interactive panel discussion

Supported by:

Long Duration Storage Council


The dynamic future of consumer energy resources

Energy transition: Leveraging the distribution network
John Cleland, CEO, Essential Energy

Maxime Di Petta, Policy Officer, Clean Energy Council

Enabling networks to manage the rapid adoption of customer DER and EV
Richard McIndoe, Executive Chairman, Edge Zero
Co-presenter: Nathan Oxley, Chief Technology Officer, Edge Zero

Behind the meter consumer devices - impact on changing household electricity use, consumer savings and grid design
James Seymour, CEO, C4NET

Putting the ‘C’ back into CER policy
Emily Gadaleta, Senior Energy Policy Advisor, Tesla

Followed by interactive panel discussion

Hosted by:



Decarbonising heavy transport
Chair: Anna Freeman, Policy Director, Clean Energy Council

Jet Zero Australia and LanzaJet SAF plant
Mac Irvine, CFO, Jet Zero Australia Pty Ltd

The sustainable aviation fuel opportunity for Australia’s energy industry
Stephen Forshaw, Chief Representative, Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific, Airbus

Energy transition at ports
Caryn Anderson, EGM Strategy and Planning, Port of Melbourne

Energy transition outlook for the maritime and aviation sectors
Scott Trevean, Team Lead, Hydrogen and CCUS, DNV

Followed by interactive panel discussion

Hosted by:



Made in Australia: The startup dilemma & innovations in community engagement & biodiversity for energy projects

Made in Australia: The startup dilemma
Neeraj Das, Founder, Elecsome

Jack Hayes, Regional Manager, Greater Melbourne, AusIndustry

Patrick Mooney, Co-Founder & Chair, Impact Tech Ventures

David Doral, Co-Founder & CEO, Dovetail Electric Aviation

Innovations in community engagement & biodiversity for energy projects
A panel discussion on startups & innovation in community engagement & diversity for energy projects featuring startups, industry members and mentors.

Kate Osaze, Co-Founder, Reswitch

Tristan Place, Co-Founder, Vizspatial

Camille Goldstone-Henry, CEO & Co-founder, Xylo Systems

Ashley Clifton, Development Manager (Team Leader), ACEN Australia


EVs: High power public charging
Chair: Ross de Rango, Head of Energy and Infrastructure, Electric Vehicle Council

Fastest growing EV charging network in South Australia
Anita Saunders, Program manager EV Charging, RAA

Kempower DC charging: Building robust charging infrastructure for the Australian EV revolution
Rebecca Prins, Partner Manager ANZ, Kempower

“Zero Amp” EV charging without battery storage
Prof Geoffrey Chan, Chief Technical Adviser, I-Charge Solutions Australia

All you need to know about an electric fleet infrastructure
Ben Savigny, Head of Channel Partnerships, Evie Networks

Public EV charging: The next big boom
Stefanie Di Trocchio, Chief Commercial Officer, Smart Ease

Supported by:

Long Duration Storage Council


Live video streaming: Renewable electrons =/= sustainable electrons
Chair: Patrick Hastings, Chief Impact Officer, Infrastructure Sustainability Council

Panel discussion: Unlocking the untapped potential for social, cultural, environmental and economic benefits of renewable energy assets
Gina Pavlovic, Head of Sustainability, Endeavour Energy

Lloyd Clark, Environmental & Sustainability Design Manager, Meridian Energy

David Gainsford, Deputy Secretary Development Assessment and Infrastructure, Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure


Decarbonising heavy industry
Chair: Peter Horn, Acting Deputy CEO, Trade and Investment, Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade)

Opening address and introduction to Austrade
Peter Horn, Acting Deputy CEO, Trade and Investment, Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade)

Volvo’s pathway to decarbonising heavy vehicles
Lauren Pulitano, Vice President of Public Affairs, Volvo Group

BP’s Australian operations and plans in liquid fuels
Pauline Kennedy, Low-carbon Policy and Advocacy Manager, ANZ, BP

Followed by interactive panel discussion


10:30am – 11:20am

Panel discussion: Policy for industrial decarbonisation: What has worked, what is coming and what is still needed?
Chair: Jeremy Sung, Head of Policy, Energy Efficiency Council

Cassandra de Stigter, Principal Advisor - Energy, Mott MacDonald

Dr Tessa Leach, Senior Project Manager (Research) - Industry, Climateworks Centre

Jon Bruce, Australian Operations Team Lead, DETA Consulting

Jarrod Leak, CEO, Australian Alliance for Energy Productivity

11:20am – 11:40am

Putting energy efficiency to work in business
Cindy Arthur, Head of ESG, Australia Commercial, ANZ

10:00am – 11:30am

AS/NZS 4777.1 revision: Understand upcoming requirements for inverter installations
CPD Points coming soon!

A revision of AS/NZS 4777.1: covering installation requirements of inverters, is coming soon. Understand what the key changes are and how it affects your installations, including integrating electric vehicles and testing verification.

Sandy Atkins, ESV Compliance Officer, Energy Safe Victoria

Sponsored by: Long Duration Storage Council

10:45am – 10:50am

Acknowledgement and introduction to First Nations sessions
Chair: Dr Chivonne Algeo, Co-founder, Good Energy Minds
Co-Chair: Troy Pickwick, Co-founder, Good Energy Minds

10:50am – 11:00am

Dr Peter Radoll, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, People and Organisation, Indigenous, Equity and Inclusion, Victoria University

11:00am – 11:10am

How First Nations people’s wisdom will build tomorrow’s equitable energy system in Australia and beyond
Michael Myer, Executive Chairperson, Sunshine Hydro

11:10am – 11:20am

Empowered communities: Understanding the place-based vision for energy
Tommy Hicks, Region Manager, Indigenous Energy Australia

11:10am – 11:20am

Creating shared capability to deliver efficient and equitable energy in partnership with traditional owners
Rachelle Cooper Kulkarni, Founder and Director, Sustainify and Senior Researcher, University of Technology Sydney

11:30am – 12:10pm

First Nations employment and training in the clean energy sector
Dr Chris Briggs, Program Leader, Energy, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney

Michelle Tjondro, Senior Associate, SGS Economics and Planning

Ruby Heard, Director, Alinga Energy Consulting

Michael Frangos, CEO, Indigenous Energy Australia

1:00pm – 2:20pm 12:00pm – 1:40pm
Plenary Door 10 Room 220 Room 219 Room 218 Room 217 Room 213 Room 212 Room 211 Room 210 Room 204 Room 203 Energy Management Theatre MyCEC Masterclass Theatre Industry Workshop Theatre

Building Australia's manufacturing prowess
Chair: Nicholas Foa, CEO, Industry Capability Network, Victoria

Silicon to solar: Motivation and opportunity of solar manufacturing in Australia
Oliver Hartley, Managing Director, Bright Dimension

Solar export flexibility and customer opportunities for market active solar
Lisa Ibro, Energy Transition Project Manager, SA Power Networks

Beyond zero emissions: Risks and rewards for an Australian battery manufacturing industry
Tim Harris, CEO and Managing Director, Redflow Limited

Contracting strategy and offtake structuring innovations
Evan Day, Sustainability and Energy, CORE Markets

Supporting Victoria's clean energy future
Nicholas Foa, CEO, Industry Capability Network, Victoria

Followed by interactive panel discussion


Expanding energy professional’s toolkit: Bringing social science expertise into sustainable energy transitions
Chair: Anna Cain, Doctoral Scholar, College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics, Australian National University

Interactive panel discussion
Dr Kari Dahlgren, Research Fellow, Emerging Technologies Research Lab, Monash University

Dr Wendy Russell, Research Fellow, Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program, Australian National University

Dr Declan Kuch, Social Researcher, NSW Government

Dr Sangeetha Chandrashekeran, Senior Research Fellow, ARC Centre of Excellence on Children and Families Over the Lifecourse

Bec Colvin, Social Scientist and Associate Professor, Resources, Environment & Development Group, ANU Crawford School of Public Policy


Advancing the energy transition
Chair: Clare Luehman, Executive General Manager of Natural Capital, Finance, and Technology, Niche Environment and Heritage

Energy transition systems
David Hill, Professor of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Monash University

Striking the balance: Dual-Fuel systems as catalysts for early renewable adoption
Andy Sibley, CEO, Simply Energy

Norfolk Island: Energy transition case study
Kody Ponds, Director of Decarbonisation, Incite Energy

How integrating renewables with nature positive strategies drives sustainability and profitability
Clare Luehman, Executive General Manager of Natural Capital, Finance, and Technology, Niche Environment and Heritage

Australia's energy transition: Building sovereign capability for a secure future
Richard Phillips, CEO, Lighthouse Industries

Australia’s shift to a renewable energy future
David Griffin, CEO, 5B

How matched energy supply agreements will underpin the move to real zero carbon
Steve Hoy, CEO, Enosi Australia

Geothermal as a thermal demand tool in the energy transition
Yale Carden, Managing Director, GeoExchange

Energy transition in the food and beverage manufacturing sector – a case study
Graeme Harding, Technical Director (Process Engineering) - Energy Transition Lead, Beca

Sponsored by:

Long Duration Storage Council


Powering progress: Empowering women in renewables through networking and insights
Chair: Bronwyn See, National Strategy & Growth Manager, CDS, Cleanaway

Interactive panel discussion
Rebecca Wardle, Co-Founder & Director, Cogency Australia

Bess Clark, CEO, TasRex

Laura Jones, Lead Analyst, The Australian National University

Mary Barry, CEO & Founding Director, CircularEco

Grace Stewart, Senior Development Manager, OX2

Vanyssa Ong, Project Acquisition and Development, European Energy Australia


Latest developments from IEA’s solar technology collaboration programme (TCP) activities
Ken Guthrie, Director, Sustainable Energy Transformation Pty Ltd

Interactive panel discussion
Prof Iain MacGill, Director of the Centre for Energy and Environmental Markets (CEEM), University of New South Wales

Rebecca Yang, Leader Solar Energy Application Lab, RMIT

Mark Snow, Research Fellow, IEA SHC Australia and APVI

Supported by:

Australian PV Institute


Demand management opportunities for industrial users
Chair: Carl Hutchinson, Country Manager, Enel X Australia & New Zealand

Multi asset optimisation for C&I demand management
Owen Dransfield,
Head of Demand Flexibility, Shell Energy Australia

All stick, no carrot: Incentivising demand management in the commercial and industrial (C&I) market
Huon Hoogesteger, CEO, Smart Commercial Solar
Co-presenter: Maximilian Stenning, Executive General Manager, Smart Commercial Solar

Getting value from demand response and frequency control ancillary services (FCAS)
Tanya Denning, Partner, Baker McKenzie

From trials to reform - how are we acting on evidence?
Nick Regan, Business Lead - DER Reform Delivery, AEMO

It’s all about timing: Using demand flexibility to firm up renewables
Carl Hutchinson, Country Manager, Enel X Australia & New Zealand

Followed by interactive panel discussion


Developments in gigwatt solar power

Panel discussion: Full throttle: Exploring critical checks & balances for Australia’s Rapid, Multi-Gigawatt Buildout of Utility Solar

Simon Currie, Principal, Energy Estate

Yves Figuerola, Sr. VP, Supply Chain Management, Nextracker (USA)

Platinum Sponsor:



Startups shaping the future of the built environment & decarbonising the economy

Startups shaping the future of the built environment
A panel discussion on startups & innovations that are shaping the future of the built environment featuring startups, industry members and mentors.
Chair: Adam Skan, Investment Manager, Impact Ventures

Sam Ringwaldt, Founder & CEO, ConryTech

Vicky Featherston, Co-founder & Co-CEO, HAL Systems

Ringo Thomas, Co-Founder & CCO, CLT Toolbox

Startups helping to decarbonise industry
A panel discussion on startups & innovations that are helping to decarbonise industry featuring startups, industry members and mentors.
Chair: Jackie McKeon, Program Director, Business Renewables Centre Australia & Climate-KIC

Prashant Parulekar, Founder & CEO, InfigoLabs

Cameron Bell, CEO, Pyrochar

Tia Collings, Co-Founder & CEO, Enaxiom

Nathan Steggel, Director & Co-Founder, Aratherm


The next frontier: Vehicles-to-grid
Chair: Umair Afzal, Program and Technical Standards Manager, Electric Vehicle Council

Vehicle-to-grid - standards, frameworks, industry participation and future
Riccardo Pagliarella, Co-Founder, Greenergenic Inc. (Republic of South Korea)

Australia's opportunities in electric vehicle research
Oliver Hill, Program Leader - Electric Vehicles, RACE for 2030 Cooperative Research Centre

Electric vehicles will likely drive down electricity prices: The reason why
Adrian Salinas, Knowledge Sharing Manager, Australian Renewable Energy Agency

Electric vehicles as a grid asset: From trials to mainstream integration
Nathan Brown, Managing Director, Electric Future

How 16 electric vehicles provided power to stem February's blackout in Victoria
Dr Bjorn Sturmberg, Senior Research Fellow, ANU

Supported by:

Electric Vehicle Council


Operating in the national energy market (NEM)

Energy markets in Australia
Pan Galanis, Head of Energy Markets, Akaysha Energy

Big battery revenues in the NEM
Alex Leemon, Flexibility Markets Lead, Gridcog

Followed by interactive panel discussion

Hosted by:



Growing the workforce pipeline
Chair: Nicole Boldt, Acting Director Workforce Development, Clean Energy Council

A roadmap to solve the skill deficit to rewire our nation
David May, Head of Energy, Gamuda

Game on: Harnessing creativity to build tomorrow’s renewable workforce
Josh Oakley, General Manager, Floodlight Agency

The key skills gap for electrical engineers in the green hydrogen sector
Matthew Priestley, Lead Technology Translator, UNSW

Lisa Gooding, Yallourn Transition Leader, EnergyAustralia

Followed by interactive panel discussion

Hosted by:



12:00pm – 12:15pm

Chair: Nat Corveddu, Project Officer, Energy Efficiency Council

The heat pump hot water systems roadmap
Rachael Wilkinson, Senior Advisor – Government Relations, Energy Efficiency Council

12:15pm – 1:00pm

Panel discussion: Roadmap to revolution: Transforming the hot water market
Chair: Rachael Wilkinson, Senior Advisor – Government Relations, Energy Efficiency Council

Glenn Day, Head of Public Affairs & Engagement, Stiebel Eltron

Regan Jolly, Policy and Projects Manager, MAC Trade Services

Richard McEncroe, Consultant, Plumbing Industry Climate Action Centre

1:00pm – 1:20pm

Electrifying commercial pools: Heat pump feasibility assessment at Hornsby Aquatic and Leisure Centre
Phil Woodward, Energy Optimisation Manager, Northmore Gordon

12:30pm – 1:15pm

Connecting electric vehicle charging infrastructure to AusGrid’s network
CPD Points coming soon!

New EV purchases in Australia more than doubled in 2023 and EV Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) is becoming a growing source of business for electricians.
Discover the key considerations for the connection of EVCI to Ausgrid’s network for a range of solutions including public kerbside charging, pole mounted charging, residential off-street charging and private parking chargers.

Darren Fitzpatrick, Senior Development Manager EVCI, AusGrid

1:15pm – 2:00pm

DER’s impact on the ratings of busbars in switchboards
CPD Points coming soon!

Busbars in switchboards are a crucial component in electrical distribution systems. Learn from the National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA) about how solar and battery installations can affect the ratings and performance of busbars.

Louis Knoops, Technical Manager, National Electrical and Communications Association

Sponsored by: Long Duration Storage Council

12:10pm – 12:15pm

Closing remarks and invitation to Yarning Circle
Chair: Dr Chivonne Algeo, Co-founder, Good Energy Minds
Co-Chair: Troy Pickwick,Co-founder, Good Energy Minds

12:30pm – 4:55pm

First Nations Yarning Circle
Join us to gain valuable insights from respected Indigenous leaders where you can share your experiences in the renewable sector so we can collectively deliver a net zero future.

Chair: Dr Chivonne Algeo, Co-founder, Good Energy Minds
Co-Chair: Troy Pickwick,Co-founder, Good Energy Minds

2:50pm – 4:10pm 1:40pm – 5:00pm
Plenary Door 10 Room 220 Room 219 Room 218 Room 217 Room 213 Room 212 Room 211 Room 210 Room 204 Room 203 Energy Management Theatre MyCEC Masterclass Theatre Industry Workshop Theatre

Heavy vehicle electrification
Chair: Aman Gaur, Head of Legal, Policy & Advocacy, Electric Vehicle Council

Navigating the evolving future grid ecosystem with new assets and stakeholders
Jacqui Mills, Senior Solution Architect, Schneider Electric

The missing piece: Charging infrastructure for heavy battery electric vehicles
Marceline Overduin, Consultant, Frazer-Nash Consultancy

What can the freight sector learn from the electric bus transition?
Mark Gjerek, Director, MOV3MENT

Electrifying the future: A fireside chat on green transport innovations with EnergyAustralia and Tropic Wings
Jack Kotlyar, Head of Green Transport, EnergyAustralia and Peter Woodward, Managing Director, CaPTA Group

Supported by:

Electric Vehicle Council


Policy drivers for decarbonisation
Chair: John Thwaites AM, Chair,
Centre & Monash Sustainable 
Development Institute

Spatial gas research to understand policy options to electrify
Dr Glen Currie, Program Impact Manager, Climateworks Centre

Net zero precincts
Dr Darren Sharp, Senior Research Fellow, Monash Sustainable 
Development Institute

Land use futures modelling to inform policy
Nick van Schoten, Senior Analyst, Climateworks Centre

Accelerating emissions reduction in the Australian health system
Angie Bone, Associate Professor of Practice, Monash Sustainable Development Institute

Followed by interactive panel discussion


Decarbonising the manufacturing
Chair: Dr Scott Grierson, CEO/Managing Director, Valorify

Biomethane in steel making
Matthew McKenzie, Manager Energy & Carbon, BlueScope

Biomethane as a decarbonisation pathway for manufacturers
Melissa Perrow, General Manager Energy, Brickworks

How agricultural waste can deliver Australia's carbon neutral future fuel
Richard Gorman, CEO, Kalfresh Pty Ltd

Providing a decarbonisation pathway through renewable gas
Suzie Jakobovits, General Manager - Renewable Gas, Jemena

Decarbonising hard to abate sectors
Dr Scott Grierson, CEO/Managing Director, Valorify

Followed by interactive panel discussion

Supported by:

Long Duration Storage Council


Building grid resilience: Battery energy storage systems (BESS)
Chair: Avi Bagheri, Ph.D., Manager of Data Science Technology, Wärtsilä Energy Storage and Optimisation, USA

Next generation battery energy storage systems (BESS) trends
Ben Li, Director of Application Engineering (EU&AU), Hithium Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd

Platinum Sponsor: Sungrow

Role of battery energy storage systems (BESS) in the grid of the future
Dr Sankara Subramanian, Utility Market Leader, Saft Batteries

The lowest cost battery is the one you already own... if you’re in refrigeration!
Jamie Catt, Flexible Demand Advisor, Enel X

Battery energy storage systems - a new asset class
Dr Yogendra Vashishtha, Head of Future Networks, EA Technology

Designing a reliable and efficient communication network for large-scale BESS
Sever Sudakov, Solution Architect, Moxa

The rewards and challenges of co-location
Fabian Le Gay Brereton, CEO & Co-founder, Gridcog

Panel discussion:

Jake Davies, Electrical Estimator, Monford Group

Justin Holloway, Cell Testing and Production Manager, Li S Energy


Outlook for electrification
Chair: Ana Ecerg, Manager Future Network Programs, AusNet

The power quality connection - how to overcome electrical distribution roadblocks
James DiLiberto, CEO, AZZO Pty Ltd

All electric precincts: Opportunities, barriers and key players
Lloyd Heathfield, Project Lead - Solar & Electrification Programs, Yarra Energy Foundation

Navigating electrification: Are we ready for commercial and heavy fleets?
Katelyn Purnell, Director, EVenergi

Reaching net zero by 2035 through renewables growth and electrification
Ray Wills, Managing Director, Future Smart Strategies

ElectriFAIRcation at AusNet
Ana Ecerg, Manager Future Network Programs, AusNet

Followed by interactive panel discussion


Meeting demands to purchase and install solar
Chair: Kate Raymond, CEO, Master Electricians Australia

Insights from Victoria’s solar homes program – unlocking the potential of solar
Stan Krpan PSM, CEO, Solar Victoria

Accelerating Australia's solar revolution: IoT and cellular technologies in rapid solar deployment
Dr Simon Willis, Director of Hardware, Redback Technologies

How a solar farm in the Northern Territory became an international pioneer delivering firm power to the grid?
Dr Victor Depoorter, Managing Director, Proa Analytics Pty Ltd

Followed by interactive panel discussion


Enhancing solar manufacturing

PV soiling: Unlocking the truths and debunking the myths behind solar maintenance and the impact of soiling on asset ROI
Joel Firth, Managing Director, Brighter Solar Cleaning

Solar panel cleaning: Breaking the myths
John Johnston, Managing Director & CEO, Solar Shine Australia Pty Ltd

Followed by interactive panel discussion


Pitch event: Breakthrough technologies
Opening with a keynote/panel highlighting a startup success story,then followed by a series of pitches focused on breakthrough or new technology.


Developing net zero industrial precincts
Chair: Leigh Kennedy, General Manager – Industry and Supply Chain Development, Australian Hydrogen Council

Water for hydrogen – will there be enough to support the energy transition?
Celeste Morgan, Australasia Integrated Water Management Lead, Arup

Creating hydrogen HyWays to decarbonise heavy transport
Geoffrey Drucker, Managing Director, Countrywide Hydrogen Pty Ltd

Australia’s green superpower moment
Kylie Turner, System Lead, Sustainable Economies, Climateworks Centre

Dr Amanda Cahill, CEO, Next Economy

Power system planning in a high green energy export future
Samantha Christie, Manager - Strategic Planning, AEMO

Followed by interactive panel discussion

Hosted by:


Supported by:

Australian Hydrogen Council LEARN MORE

A renewable future made in Australia
Chair: Dr Adam Best,
Chief Scientist, CSIRO

Interactive panel discussion
Kallen Cook, Head of New Technology, Asset Development, Origin Energy

Emily Scivetti, CEO, Oceanex Energy

Brian Craighead, CEO, Energy Renaissance

Richard Petterson, CEO, Tindo Solar


End uses of concentrated solar power: Green fuels, industrial process heat and utility scale electricity
Chair: Michelle Farquhar, Head, Australian Industry Group

Solar thermal to support advanced sCO2 power cycles
Wes Stein, Chief Research Scientist, CSIRO

Solar thermal for industrial process heat applications
Dominic Zaal, Director, Australian Solar Thermal Institute (ASTRI) – CSIRO

Solar thermal to support the NEM and SWIS
Craig Wood, CEO, Vast

Followed by interactive panel discussion


1:40pm – 2:00pm

AI in the energy transition: Building a net zero electricity system
Dr Hao Wang, Senior Lecturer, Monash University

2:00pm – 2:20pm

Energy productivity guidelines for Industry 4.0: A practical approach to enabling enterprise to deliver on the promise
Mark Atkinson, Energy Worksteam Chair, IoT Alliance Australia

2:20pm – 2:40pm

Open energy data and the applications of AI
Sam Bendat, Founder and CEO, Symphny

3:00pm – 3:45pm

Panel discussion: Supercharging the energy efficiency schemes for net zero
Chair: Jeremy Sung, Head of Policy, Energy Efficiency Council

Kirralee Tyndall, Director, Victorian Energy Upgrades, DEECA, Victorian Government

Henry Adams, Director, Common Capital

Jo Hoatson, CEO, Creditex

Nicklas Lindewald, General Manager, Metimur Energy

2:30pm – 3:15pm

Mitigating the risk of DC arcs and rooftop fires, maximising PV yield
CPD Points coming soon!

This technical masterclass will cover two essential topics for those installing and designing solar systems: risk and performance.
The first half will cover the causes of DC arcs and rooftop fires, focusing on mitigation strategies, while the second half will explore methods to enhance solar system yield by maximising production and efficiency, particularly regarding shading and mismatched PV modules.

James Sturch, Technical Director, Rest of World, SolarEdge Technologies

3:15pm – 4:00pm

Powerwall 3 installations: Optimising the install experience
CPD Points coming soon!

Tesla has onboarded over 1600 solar businesses in Australia as Powerwall Certified Installers. This session will offer a comprehensive technical deep dive into the design, installation, and commissioning processes of Powerwall 3.

Kenneth Hee, Residential Engineering Manager - Energy, Tesla

Sponsored by: Long Duration Storage Council

4:55pm – 5:00pm

Closing First Nations Yarning Circle
Chair: Dr Chivonne Algeo, Co-founder, Good Energy Minds
Co-Chair: Troy Pickwick, Co-founder, Good Energy Minds

Disclaimer: Session titles and speakers may change without prior notice as the program develops.